In Person Doula Support: $1300
When we work together you’ll get:
-Full support for the pregnancy and birth you desire and deserve. I’ll help you navigate the ins and outs of what it takes to bring a baby into the world, all the ways to bring a baby into the world. I understand every family, woman, pregnancy and baby is different and so should be your care.
-Resources for mom surrounding birth including, instagram pages, podcasts, books and more!
-3 prenatal meetings (~1-2 hours) in person (or virtual) -Our first meeting will break down a questionnaire I’ll send you that helps us make sure we are on the same page involving your desires and vision for your birth. We will acknowledge your fears and concerns as well as areas of pregnancy and labor you’d like to discuss more. Our second meeting will include breaking down the stages and process of labor so that you know what options you need to navigate and then start creating a birth plan aligned with those decisions. Our third meeting is our most hands on, literally, I’ll help you and your partner find comfortable birth positions, practice breathing techniques and help both mom and her birth partner feel confident as you approach your baby’s arrival.
-Partner Resources and guides. For the partner that wants to help but doesn’t know how, that needs guidance and support, you are not forgotten in preparation for birth. You play a huge role, and I’ll show you how.
-Help writing the birth plan that aligns with your vision and desires.
-Email and text access to your doula. Like I said, support throughout your whole pregnancy. Once you reach 38 weeks you’ll have 24/7 access, a doula at your beck and call, ready to meet you when labor starts.
-CONSTANT support through your WHOLE labor.
-An advocate. I’ll help make sure your birth team acknowledges your birth plan and includes you in the process.
-Support up to 2 hours after your labor to assure your are comfortable, fed, aware of what comes next and connect with lactation to come see you if you desire.
-1 Postpartum Visit to break down your birth with a timeline of your birth. I’ll be able to answer any questions you have surrounding what happened during your labor and provide resources surrounding Postpartum.
Virtual Support: $700
Upon Signing You will receive all the support included in the In Person Doula Support package except for the hands on support such as the physical support during labor and any other support that requires me to be there in person. All meetings will be held via phone or Facetime/Zoom and I am not required to attend your birth.
This Option is great if you are not in my area, if our schedules don’t fit together and if you want all the information but you don’t want the physical support. This package is more hands off and is perfect for moms who want the information but don’t need the in person aspect of it.
Bump to Baby Birth Course: $250
NEW!!! This is the birth course you didn’t know you needed. Other birthing classes can feel rushed, and overwhelming with the amount of information they give you and still it is only touching the surface of the things you really need to know. Not only will this apply to hospital births, but birth center and home births as well. In this class you’ll go over everything from Nutrition to Postpartum to the History of Obstetrics to Breastfeeding information. This course includes 9 Modules ( and 2 BONUS modules) with video lesson and printable PDF guides and worksheets to help you prepare for the birth you want and deserve. This birth class is online so you can go at your own pace, with your partner and from the comfort of your own home. Take control of your birth and discover all the options you may not even know you have.
See a Service that sounds perfect for you?
Placenta Encapsulation $250
How cool is it that your body made this life sustaining organ for your baby and now mom can use it as well to get the most out of her postpartum recovery. Placenta encapsulation has become more and more popular in the US thanks to its many potential benefits (to name a few):
balancing postpartum hormones
replenishing iron levels
increase milk production
increased energy levels
help with postpartum bleeding
increased mood
decreased risk for postpartum depression
With this service, I take your safety very seriously. I am trained in bloodborne pathogens and I follow food safety guidelines to make sure that your placenta is prepared in the cleanest and safest way possible. I will pick up your placenta from wherever you give birth and personally prepare it and get it back to you. Tinctures, umbilical cord keepsakes and placenta prints can be included in this as well. Placenta prints and umbilical cord keepsakes are available as well.
A La Cart Packages
In Person Doula Support + Birth Course + Placenta Encapsulation: $1650
In Person Doula Support + Placenta Encapsulation :$1450
For Single Packages and A La Cart Packages: Payment Plans are available. Please reach out to me with any questions you have!
One on One Coaching $50/hr
(Available Virtually or in person)
Coaching sessions are great for moms who just want some guidance and have questions on a few topics. Maybe you need help coming up with a birth plan and understanding what your options are. Maybe you just need some emotional support or quick resources or an explanation of why something may be happening in your pregnancy. Let’s talk it out and help you feel more confident in your choices, understand your options better and feel supported in your decisions. Coaching calls aren’t just for moms either, maybe you are a birth partner curious on how you can better support your partner, I got you. Book today!